Get noticed in the inbox

Get Noticed In The Inbox

When you have worked on gaining the best subscribers, set up the segmentation and personalisation, what’s next? Getting that design and email looking as good as your website!

You hear a lot of developers talking about how emails are stuck in the 90s, but we can do some amazing things in email.


The web is moving and you can bring that movement into your emails.

From GIFs and Cinemagraphs to using CSS animation, there are so many ways to bring your email to life.

Interactive email

Maybe it’s something you have heard of, maybe it’s something you thought you needed a dedicated email developer for? Maybe for something as complex as the BBC A Perfect Planet email but to get started you can use the call to action button animations that are on your website.

You could use a CSS transition – like in the example below. This technique works across a large number of email clients, including the two largest – Gmail and Apple Mail

Another way to add interactivity to your email and increase engagement is to add some Gamificiation in your email, reach out to an agency or consultant to learn more about what could be possible!

Check out a ‘pairs’ card game I coded for Pizza Express, a large pizza chain in the UK.


Amp 4 Email is something that is gaining popularity now that major ESPs have adopted the technology – including SalesForce and Braze. It’s another type of email to send and something that more email marketers are looking into. Interactive email can raise email engagement, gain more click throughs and can lead to more conversions. One of the first AMP emails we sent gained 20% more engagement and 56% more click throughs than the static email version.


Interactivity and animation will get you noticed in the inbox and it doesn’t need to be complicated – start with GIFs and hover effects on your call to actions!

Jay Oram – Senior coder & Interactive email specialist at Action Rocket.

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